Cryptocurrency Swap

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Papaya Swap Exchange

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Papaya Swap

Get rewards for exchanging your cryptos on papayaswap

Papaya Swap is an exchange aimed especially at the Spanish-speaking community, although we have also prepared our version in English, we have observed that most of the existing exchange houses are aimed at English-speaking communities and it is difficult to find support and documentation. We have prepared all the documentation in Spanish so that the user can see step by step how to use Papaya Swap and we offer support by email.
We work with commissions of between 1% and 6% (depending on the saturation of our network) that are destined to be distributed among all users who exchange using our exchange, or all holders or portfolios that have PAPAYA Coin.

Our token

PapayaSwap (PAP)

PapayaSwap (PAP) is an experiment, a limited amount with little initial liquidity, and the rest of the tokens burned, an autonomous project running on the network, how far can its price go? Can a token of these characteristics be subject to a massive participation entry and take its price to the moon?
Why would they buy our token? We raffle weekly 30% of the income generated by our exchange, transferred directly to the holding portfolios of PapayaSwap (PAP). There are 3 winning wallets to which the total prize will be shared. Are the ideal conditions to make PapayaSwap the best investment?



Two ways to win

Invest, trade, or both!

All Papaya Swap users (exchanges) and all PapayaSwap (PAP) holders are automatically included in our weekly draw to distribute the commissions generated on our exchange.
How this distribution is carried out:
30% of the income generated is transferred to 3 winning wallets that have been exchanged on our exchange.
30% of the income generated is transferred to 3 winning portfolios that are PapayaSwap (PAP) holders.

What happens to the remaining 40%?
15% of the proceeds are dedicated to adding liquidity to PapayaSwap (PAP), exchanging this 15% of the profits for PapayaSwap (PAP).
25% of the remaining revenue goes to promotion and marketing of PapayaSwap.